Wednesday 10 August 2011

Why Are Sweaty Palms, And Other Frequently Asked Questions Palmar Hyperhidrosis

hyper sweating
Why do my sweaty palms? It is a question asked by many people in those days. If you have sweaty hands ridiculously you, then you need to learn about the causes, symptoms and treatments. Its an embarrassing condition, and for some individuals, the problem is so bad that is surgery.

Do not be could not get the surgery. There are home remedies you can try. You can also change your diet and leave the dishes to sweat. If you learn of hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes excessive sweating, you can get an idea of ​​how to handle it.Here are some frequently asked questions palmar hyperhidrosis.

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Why do my sweaty palms?

Hyperhidrosis is the medical term to describe a condition involving excessive sweating. It affects about 3% of world population. Some people also experience excessive sweating on the face, forearms and feet. The exact cause of hyperhidrosis and excessive sweating is not known, although medical experts believe that it is somehow linked to an overactive sympathetic nervous system that gets the sweat glands produce more sweat than they should.

What else causes sweaty palms?

Sometimes hyperactive sweat glands are caused by other diseases and medical conditions. This is called secondary hyperhidrosis? Sweaty palms could be due to a number of conditions, including:
Obesity, gout, tumors, diabetes, hyper-thyroidsm, poor diet, alcohol, caffeine addiction, poor diet, side effects of prescription drugs.

What are the symptoms of the syndrome sweaty hand?

Sweat gets out of hand, even in cool temperatures. Those who often feel nervous palmar hyperhidrosis in public because they are afraid to sweat. They feel anxious at the thought of meeting someone, for fear of having to shake hands. Everyday tasks such as typing on a computer, by moving the computer mouse, playing a musical instrument, and writing becomes difficult because of the sweat to get into everything.

How can I get help for my sweaty hands?

Going to the doctor and ask if the cause can be determined. You need to know if you have hyperhidrosis due to a real sympathetic nervous system overactivity, or secondary hyperhidrosis due to another cause. If you have hyperhidrosis way, the doctor will tell you the treatment options that could be injections or surgery.

extra information from Mike Ramsey

Can I try to treat the problem yourself?

If you have secondary hyperhidrosis, then yes. The only thing you should do is stop taking medications for other conditions, if you believe that sweating is a side effect of the drug. If you suspect that is the problem, ask your doctor what you should do. What you can do to manage hyperhidrosis is a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, cut out caffeine and spicy foods, and exercise. You can also try an antiperspirant designed for heavy use on your hands.

Are there any home remedies I can try?

Yes! Here is a list of some of the alternative treatments you can try:

1-Drinking sage tea or soak your hands in it.
2-Drink green tea every day.
3-Two glasses of tomato juice a day.
4-Rub the cornstarch in your hands for a few minutes then wipe.
5-Rub your hands through the talus.
6-Drinking apple cider vinegar, or taking herbal supplements with it as the main ingredient.
7-Rub aloe vera on your palms.

The next time you ask? Why are my hands sweating? just try some of these herbal remedies and drink more water. We hope this is enough to prevent excessive sweating.

These tips are just the beginning. You can get the full step-step plan to stop excessive sweating in my room now.

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you feel uncomfortable shaking hand with other

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